Higher Standards

When you have bio children, if one falls and hurts themselves, you kiss their boo boo and go on with your day. In foster care, we have so many regulations and people watching us. There are so many things we have to document, we have to share, we have to watch. Even before 8 am today, first blood was drawn. Mr. T slipped and fell face first. Busting his lip from the inside. Mouth full of blood and lots of tears. This has become a very frequent occurrence with Mr. T as he is learning to walk and run and just be a boy. Normal parents wouldn't have a huge amount of anxiety around this type of accident. But with foster parents, there is documentation, fear of investigation, and even as far as fear of having kids removed. Mr. T was removed from a foster home due to excessive critical incidents before being placed with me and so I have more anxiety than normal due to this. I probably watch him much closer than I do Little Man. And I watch Littl...