1,095 days

3 years ago today, you were brought to my house. You were so tiny. You didn’t talk and you were so scared. Your diaper was so full, it was running down your legs. You screamed bloody murder when I tried to put you in a bath. You were 5. __________________________________ You are now 8. You are so smart. You love to play on your iPad. You love your grandparents and I suspect you love Mr. T. You love Hotwheels, Nutty Buddy's, and still love letters. You are taking baths on your own and I can't keep you out of the water. You have learned so much and are reading 2 levels above where you should be. ______________________________________ Even before you got out of the car, I knew you. I knew I was going to love you so much. What I didn’t know was how much I was willing to sacrifice. How much I still had to learn about strength. And how much my capacity to love a person hadn’t even scratched the surface. Thank you for making...