Pre-Trial Blues

On the eve of the pretrial for Little Man's termination, I find myself sad and anxious. I'm sad because it's going to go to termination and Little Man's mother will be losing her 3 children. This will have been going on for 23 1/2 months by the time the trial happens in August. His mother has consistently been present but just not able to parent these three high needs kids. She's been inconsistent with her skills and ability to adapt. But she's still been here. She didn't stop showing up (except a few times but no one can really blame her), she has tried. Little Man is going to lose his biological family. The ties that bind them will be severed forever. This doesn't mean that there will be no more contact, just that it won't be as consistent as it has been. I'm sad because a mother is recognizing that she cannot provide and is willing to have someone else take on that burden. I'm sad because Little Man is losing his other...