
Growth is normal in everything. I know my knowledge grows constantly, along with my waistline and love of salty foods. With Little Man, the growth is hard to measure sometimes. I see where he has grown physically. Growth is still growth That's 4 inches in 18 months. So there is growth with him. I see that physically. What can't be seen physically is the emotional and intellectual growth that I see in him all the time. No exaggeration, it's daily. His list of likes and dislikes grows. His vocabulary is growing. His attitude is growing. And just when I think we take some steps back in behaviors, he has a day where he opens doors for people, he says Please and Thank You, and he says he loves me every chance he gets. This, by far, out weighs the days he is loud, out of control, and downright angry. Those days I don't see the growth. I also know that my love for him grows by leaps and bounds daily. I...