The Waiting Game
I think I've said it before but I am not a patient person. And the waiting is honestly killing me. To make things worse, doubt enters my mind all the time and it sits heavy on me.
There are 19 days left to wait while Little Man is listed on a website with his siblings. After that, the adoption process starts. I have been filling out paperwork and sending in and they have been processing so I know that the clock doesn't actually start after the next 19 days. But we're still looking at probably 10-12 months before it's all done.
I know I need to be patient but my overthinking mind gets the best of me and I start worrying. What if I'm not approved? What if someone else steps up and wants him? What if family finally decides (after 3 years) they want him?
And then today...I find out that Mr. T is going to adoption also. So all the paperwork I'm doing for Little Man will cover Mr. T. In the next 10-12 months, I'll officially have two adopted sons.
Part of me is freaking out! This is's ending and beginning. I know this is what is best and what I want. But it's also ending a chapter for the boys and their bio's.
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