One Year In
I have been a foster parent to Little Man for one year today. Here is what I have learned being a foster parent for 365 days. 1. This will never get easier but it is worth it. 2. Life changes when you assume it's going to be just you and this other little person. Enjoy it and embrace it. Because I need others and change is good. And having someone looking after me is kind of nice. 3. Denial is how I am operating now but I also know that I need to face the chances of Little Man going back to his bio mother. So I know I need help, professionally. Getting someone to talk with and work through issues is important to my mental well-being. I shouldn't count on things just "working out" nor should I depend on my friends and family getting me through things. 4. Changes in Little Man come and go but when there are changes, they are HUGE. The amount of vocabulary he has now, compared to a year ago (or even a month ago) is astounding. His need to know things g...