When normal isn't NORMAL

So, I realized that most of my posts have been kind of downers and I don't really talk about the "normal" things...and when I say normal, I guess for me.  Because I've never had kids, nothing is "normal" but I tend to think the days he eats his own boogers and poops on his own are kinda normal.

But the thing with Little Man is that while he is chronologically 6, he's closer to 4 mentally and socially.  But I believe he's catching up.

So much so that I feel like I'm going through some terrible two's and three's...not to mention fournager years too.  He's sassy, he's opinionated, and he's LOUD.

Part of it is because he's socially aware. He sees other kids acting out and saying things and gets bold.  If he had better control of his eyes, he would be constantly rolling them at me. As it is, he briefly shuts them, as though saying "mother, this pains me as to how dense you are"...

And don't even get me started on how much of an actual asshole he can be.  He's actually started throwing fits, crying if he doesn't get his way, and even intentionally doing things that he knows he shouldn't do but is being a defiant sasshole anyway.

He's talking back, he's saying NO, and he's just outright ignoring me.  And it's driving me absolutely nuts because this is not the little angel I had 6 months ago.  But it's also so exciting to see this personality emerge.  He's feeling safe to try and test boundaries.

My part in this is to continue to give him the safety net he needs to try this but also make sure he doesn't turn into a psychotic asshole.  There's a fine line between being sassy and sarcastic and being an asshole.

Which means a lot of fighting, timeouts, and tears (for both of us). But I know that the end result will be a man who knows how to respect and create boundaries.


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