And just like that....

I got a call on Monday that Little Man's mom had relinquished rights. Just. Like. That. We were going to TPR next week. She had been saying for a year that she would never relinquish - they were going to have to pry those kids out of her hands through trial. And she relinquished. I was stunned. Because mom has always stuck to her guns and been stubborn about things. I did not expect this. I sat on that news for about 5 seconds and then started calling anyone and everyone. We are moving to adoption .... I lived in this blissful world where adoption is within my grasp for about 2 hours....and then my worker called me and informed me of all the hoops she feels I'm going to have to jump through as a way to prepare me. Siblings, in our state, are very hard to split through adoption. My agency is already putting in a request to find an adoptive resource for all three. So they won't have to split them. Nevermind th...