900 Days
Here is what I have learned from being a foster parent for 900 days:
1. Adding one more makes a HUGE difference. Both good and bad but I’d never change it for the world.
2. March 7-9 we go to trial to finally finish this long run for Little Man. Termination of mom’s rights. Dad relinquished a few weeks ago and we’re hopeful mom will too. If not, we sit through 3 days of testimony on why she should have her rights terminated. This is both heartbreaking and exhilarating for me. She’s losing 3 kids and my heart breaks for that loss but I’m one huge step closer to making Little Man a Kennedy.
3. Changes come slow and changes come fast. But changes always come and celebrating even the small ones is exciting.
4. I am more and more aware of Little Man’s differences and I am also a lot more aware of my limitations. Asking for help is getting loads easier.
5. The mom title is now much more comfortable and deserving. I am so proud to be called mom by some of the best little humans I have ever met.
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