1,130 Days
Here is what I have learned from being a foster parent for 1,130 days:
1. It. Never. Gets. Easier.
2. The capacity to love a child who is not yours is incomprehensible. It makes my heart feel boundless.
3. It would have been cheaper to buy a cow.
4. You don’t have to birth children to have the mama bear instinct.
5. Knowing what I know now, I’m not sure I would foster in the first place but I am eternally grateful I took this challenge and brought you all along.
A week from today we find out if the agency will approve the split of Little Man and his siblings. I will find out if we can move forward or have to hire a lawyer. The social worker submitted a 12-page letter to DCF requesting the split and all the reasons why it would be good.
November 26, we go to court for Mr. T for termination. Things are happening quickly now. I've waited so long for this and now it feels like we're in fast forward.
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