252 Days List
I have been a foster mom for 252 days (9 months) and this is what I have learned:
1. Not unlike a pregnancy, I feel like I've worked on this Little Man and have created a little person who is becoming so much of his own person.
2. Something has clicked in Little Man recently and he has become more affectionate, more talkative and has much more personality.
3. Someone (Little Man) has learned eye rolls (his own version) and while immensely humourous....I do not look forward to the major attitude that could be coming in his tween and teenage years.
4. It's amazing the imagination of children and to see Little Man playing, singing, and dancing to his own imagination is just so wonderful. He couldn't/wouldn't do that 9/8/4 months ago....
5. The more time I have this wonderful little man, the more I realize that I can never come back from this. I am going to be forever changed from this.
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