Day 7 with TWO BOYS

Here is what I have learned from being a foster mom to TWO kids for 7 days:

1. While sibling rivalry is normal, it is exhausting to have to juggle the time that Little Man needs (and is demanding right now) and helping Mr. T feel comfortable in his new home. I know these two are going to get along wonderfully in the future but right now I have to remind Little Man we can't leave Mr. T at the zoo, he absolutely has to come home with us.

2. I was excited to get a young child until I remembered diapers. I realized it will be another year of diapers with Mr. T and that's depressing.

3. My house was small with just me and Aspen but manageable. It got a bit smaller with Little Man but still manageable. Got a bit cramped anytime Manfriend came over but tolerable. NOW, with two kids, two dogs, a hedgehog, a tarantula, and manfriend (and kids)....this house is too small.

4. It is so much fun to see Little Man move into a caretaker role with Mr. T. He wants to push the stroller, he wants to help feed Mr. T, and he wants to tell him how things work around the house. BUT GOD FORBID he be asked to share a toy....

5. The exhaustion is incredible. I thought I was tired with Little Man but now it's a whole new level. I fall asleep quickly and hard after a day with both of them. But I wake up refreshed and happy to have the next day with my two boys.


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