Achievement Unlocked

This milestone in my life is not case related.  But is rather one related to the normalcy of life with Little Man.

Today, he is graduating kindergarten.  I may have only cried a little bit when I dropped him off and clutched him enough to make him wriggle a bit but totally bawled when I drove away.

He repeated kindergarten because he just wasn't ready for 1st grade last year.  He and I worked really hard over the summer in 2016 to get him to a point where he was going into the 2nd round of kindergarten prepared and really where he needed to be.

I didn't have to fight hard to get the school to have him repeat kindergarten.  It was the best thing for him. Everyone could see that.

So today is a celebration for not only Little Man but his teachers, his special ed teachers, his para's, and his school.  Everyone worked extremely hard to get him to this point.

Look at that grin!


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