79 Day List

Here is what I have learned from being a foster mom for 79 days:

  • The things I take for granted (holidays, clothing, food) are not something Little Man takes for granted.  He doesn't understand Christmas so we are talking about it a lot at home.  I will be honest, Christmas time is always a very depressing time for me.  But I think this year is going to be a good one because I'll be able to show him what it's about (family, friends and giving)
  • A haircut makes a little boy look so different.  Little Man had his first hair cut with me on Monday and he looks like a little adult man.  I find myself staring at him because I don't recognize him at first.  My heart tripped a bit when I think of all the hearts he is going to break.
  • His level of dependency and love for me seems to have deepened.  He asks me to do things for him and he brings me things to show me.  The trust we are building together is starting to prove to him that he's safe.
  • My deaf dog Aspen is a saint with four legs.  He is absolutely fascinated by her and won't leave her alone. Her patience is inspiring. She, on the other hand, could take him or leave him...
  • He is starting to get acclimated to school and the schedule. He's not as tired at night and we're not having to fight each other to get things done.  It's a good feeling to know that he's happy, healthy and loved.


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