Boo Boo's

So, I know it's normal for kids to get hurt.  It's not unusual for them to fall down and hurt themselves. I get that....but what I have a hard time with it that seems to happen more often for Little Man than I would like.  And it's not really happening a lot with him, I just don't want him hurting.

The Friday after Thanksgiving, Little Man was hopping all over the couch.  He was amped up and was trying to get "doggy" to play with him.  As soon as I said "be careful", he nose dived off the couch and hit the corner of the coffee table.  Effectively putting a very neat hole in his cheek.

He usually is very "tough" and just needs a kiss to make it better.  But the screams and tears were just so heartbreaking.  I grabbed him and went to the bathroom to get a better look.  He was starting to really bleed at that point so I think I totally lost my shit then.

I feel like I am a fairly calm person under pressure. I don't react, I tend to let things happen and then I'll make a decision or start leading the herd but in this instance...I lost it....I think it's because my Little Man was hurting and was inconsolable.  He kept screaming "it hurts" and "owwww"  and all I could say was "I know bubbie" "I'm sorry bubbie" and scramble to find my phone.  We had gotten a huge amount of ice over the day and I knew it would take me forever to get my car scrapped off and attempt to keep him calm and myself from running around like an idiot.

I finally calmed down enough to call my parents because I knew they had been out in the ice earlier so that meant they had a de-iced car.  My dad came and got us and took us to the ER.  Little Man continued to repeat the same thing "it hurts" and "owwww".  I noticed that his autistic characteristics had started to emerge. When that happens (and its usually when he's upset, hurt or unsure), he needs repetition.

We break things down to 3 things.  In this instance, they were going to 1)put a bandage on his cut with something on it, 2)put something up his nose to calm him and then 3)stitch up the cut.  We repeated those three things over and over and over and get the idea.  But he needed to hear those things to calm him.

And when they finally did inject the cut to numb it, he cried and I had to turn away.  Now, I love scary movies.  The gorier, the better.  But I COULD NOT see them hurting him.  After that, I watched them put in 4 stitches but it was during that moment of pain for him that I had to turn away and I cried.

As soon as they started, he needed to know what was going to happen next since we had gone through the first 3 things.  But at that point, he was out of the pain and anxiety zone.  He was such a trooper getting those stitches.

To make matters worse, a few days later, he was "prescribed" by his eye doctor to wear an eye patch 2 hours a night for 2 months.  So this is what he looked like for a week.  But this kid never once complained or took his eye patch off.  My Little Man is so wonderful and just wants to please people.


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