One of the good ones

I've noticed something the last couple of days.  Little Man seems to be responding differently to me.  Now, it could be me or it could be him or it could be a combination of both but I'm grateful for it.

The meltdowns are less and definitely not as intense.  I don't remember the last time he checked out and was just not present.  I know the last time he tested my patience and my resolve.  I know the last time he told me "NO" and then promptly apologized.  But the last time we had an out and out tantrum is far in the past.

Why?  Probably because I have calmed down.  I let far more slide off me than I had in the past few weeks.  We still have our moments of contest of wills, but they are less intense and stressful.

I think it also has to do with the fact that I'm trying new things to help his anger and frustration.  And, in turn, my anger and frustration.

He hasn't actually had a time out in weeks.  I threaten them, but he immediately apologizes and tries to do what I need him to do.  He listens better now.  There is still anger and there is still defiance.  But it's better.  More manageable.

On the flip side of this, I know that I'm asserting myself more.  I know that I play many roles with him.  I'm Mom, I'm the disciplinarian, I'm the boss, I'm fun, I'm mean, I'm the one that feeds him, etc...but I feel like he's starting to respect those roles from me.

We are meshing better.  We are connecting. It's so wonderful to finally have this little boy trust me and see the love that is starting to grow in him.  I know what I'm fighting for and I hope he knows how loved he is.


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