The "A" Word...

Just knowing isn't always helpful.  But at this point, I don't even really know.

I know that Little Man is different. He has "quirks" that are sometimes cute and sometimes straining.  In my experience with others, I see the tendencies of autism in him.  Small, but there.

While there is no diagnosis yet (and that's a whole nother rant), it's been determined that he most likely is on the spectrum.  On the flip side of that, he's also very bright for his age.  He's just missing the ability to be aware of social cues.

A few weeks ago, we had had some major regressions.  Between the potty training (went out the window completely) and back to baby talk.  It was a week where I've just let him be.

While there has been some regression, he has been so good.  He is nothing more than a people pleaser really.  And if I give him tasks to do, he really enjoys it.

I took him to work with me one time and he was so happy to be outside and running around.  I know I need to have him in school every day but honestly, he comes home so angry and tired every day that I want to give him a break.  And maybe, myself.

I have called KU Med Center as I heard they have a really great children development group and specialize in autism.  There is also a huge waiting list.  I can't get him help until I get him diagnosed.  I can't get him diagnosed if no one calls me back.

Little Man did a nose dive off the couch the other day and it resulted in getting 4 stitches.  What I learned is when he is stressed, repetition is absolutely a comfort for him.  We went through all the letters of the alphabet and what correlates with them. I gave him a list of 4 things we were going to do during the appointment.  Repetition is a comfort but a chore.

Some of his other quirks is that this child is a HUGE backseat driver.  I mean, he talks like he has some major authority when telling me which direction to go but it's obviously he doesn't know.  And then there is blow by blow narration of the light color as we go through intersections, if there is a stop sign, what color the truck is that is driving next to us, etc....It goes on and on...

But all these quirks and issues are never going to turn me away.  He's hard work, he takes a lot of patience to be around, but I would never turn away from him.  I will be sitting with him every single day (sometimes way behind him so he won't see me helping) and supporting him.


  1. He's a back seat driver already? I can only imagine. LOL


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