My concerns confirmed

So I was asked by Little Man's teacher to meet with her after school today. Only 3 days in and I'm being brought in...I honestly had a stabbing moment of fear that I forgotten something in his backpack or had done something I was being called into the principle's office. But it turns out that my initial concerns with putting Little Man in kindergarten are confirmed. After 3 days, his teacher is not sure he's mentally capable of being in kindergarten. He just doesn't understand what is being asked of him in class, he can't comprehend what they are doing. He just isn't there. He is struggling and it's just stressing him out. Which I see...he has huge dark circles under his eyes, he's angry and he's tired. My options are now limited. I've called to ask the principle for a meeting. I have to call the group that does assessments and request them to reassess him rather than go off an old IEP. But since he's 5, it...