Three Weeks down


Here is what I have learned from being a foster mom for 3 weeks.
1. Bribery and manipulation are still the only currency that works with Little Man.
2. Poop and pee are still funny at 41 years old.
3. Disguising the same food in other forms is key to getting a picky eater to eat.
4. Learning to pick your battles is key in keeping your sanity.
5. Some people are worth fighting for even having only known them 3 weeks.

Little Man and I took a walk after dinner (which was just reheated rice and hamburger but I put some sauce on and he shoveled it in like he hadn't eaten for 3 days). Normally, walks are no issue and they really wear him down but my knee is getting so bad that I'm popping anti-inflammatories and pain pills on the regular.  Luckily, I have surgery scheduled next week to remove the meniscus and cartilage in my knee.  I'll be down for a bit but will be better equipped to keep up with him after that (hopefully).  Because this boy wants to just GO....


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