Week And A Day List


By request, here is what I have learned being a foster mom for a week and a day:
1. While there can be really really really bad days (yesterday was one), the next day can be perfect.
2. Consistency and structure really do help.
3. Blue bubble baths can totally tame the wildest child.
4. A dry washcloth can help a little one overcome the fear of water on their face.
5. Having 'grandparents' that adore them is a huge thing for a kiddo who wants to be loved.
6. Being called mommy is still really awesome.

I know he is calling me mommy because it's a way for him to establish roles in his life right now.  But it really feels wonderful to have someone to love and to be loved. 

I think I spent the last few years waking up and getting out of bed only because it was what was expected of me. Now, I have a purpose and a reason. Is that a good enough reason to take on a child that has such a need for love?  I hope so!


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