Day 28 List


Here is what I have learned from being a foster mom for 28 days. 

1. Best feeling in the world is when Little Man sees me when I come to pick him up at daycare and he launches himself into my arms. 

2. The knowledge that I and Little Man are not alone on this journey. The amount of people cheering us on and lending a hand is awe inspiring. 

3. Attitude truly is everything. When I'm safe in the knowledge that he is staying, our relationship went to a whole new level and that is solely because he knew I was happy 

4. If a child is quiet for even a few minutes, check on them. Little Man pooped in his room, on the carpet, and hid it for several hours.  How do you even address that???

5. While I tell myself and others that this is a job, my heart belongs to this little boy. I am his mommy. 

All it takes is a hose, a bike, and a boy to create happiness. 


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